Coupon Overview
Coupons automatically turn on & off depending on time of day or day of week eg. issue personal-size pizza coupons at lunchtime and then let PowerTill automatically switch to family-size pizza coupons in the evening.
Redemption Report shows you quantity of coupons issued versus quantity redeemed. Easily measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaign.
Item-linked coupons
Value-linked coupons
Advertising coupons
Item-Linked Coupons
Ideal for issuing specialised item coupons.
Spread item sales eg. issue a coupon for Spinach & Feta Pizza when any other vegetarian pizza is ordered.
Value-Linked Coupons
Automatically issued when the sale total exceeds your preset value.
For example, Two free starters on next visit if the bill total exceeds $60.00
Advertising Coupons
Issued automatically with every receipt.
Market your upcoming specials
Use coupons to generate income from business partners eg. the jewellery shop next door or the boutique across the road.
Coupon Benefits
- Customers return within a defined period.
- Spread customer load from weekend to weekdays.
- Spread item sales, encourage sales of new products.
- Sell the customer up from a proprietary brand to a top brand
- Your marketing campaign always stays fresh.
- Direct advertising available on every single sales receipt.
- Point-Of-Sale can now be used as an income generator