Deals and Combos

We are extremely proud of the fact that PowerTill can control your items sales very efficiently. This functionality is the result of a lot of constructive feedback from our Australian and British counterparts.
Foodservice operators in these countries seem to market their menu’s and specials quite agressively because competition in their marketplace is very strong.
Listed below are the 4 principal methods that PowerTill uses to control your sales, namely through Discounts, Mix ‘n Match, Meal Deals and Linked Items.
Finally we have listed examples of how we have used these marketing functions in real life situations. Please bear in mind that this functionality is automatic, that is to say the system ensures that your operators cannot give your profits away to their friends & family!
• Item Discount
– Discount on any item 1
– Discount on selected item 2
• Subtotal Discount
– Discount on the entire sale 3
– Discount on selected items 4
• Lowest Price Discount
– Discount on the cheapest item 5

Mix ‘n Match
Regular Mix ‘n Match
– Package of similar items, discount when qty is reached 6
• Lowest Price Free
– Package of similar items, cheapest is always free when qty is reached 7
Meal Deals
Regular Combo’s
– Package of unlike items for a fixed price 8
• Auto-Ring Deal Items
– Package of unlike items, some preset items, for a fixed price 9
• Auto-Check Deal Items
– Tells you when you have all/almost all the items to make a deal
Linked Items
Auto Sales
– Buy an item and you get an unlike item free 10
Examples of Deals and Combos
Discount on any item.
Buy this shirt and get 20% off. Buy these pants and get 33% off.
Discount on selected item
All items marked with a special label are less 20%
Discount on the entire sale
Get 10% off everything on Wednesdays
Buy to a certain value or more then receive a 5% discount off your bill
Discount on selected items
Childs meal is free on their birthdays (food items only)
Happy hour has beer & spirits at half price (food is still full price)
Discount on cheapest item
Buy to a certain value or more and the cheapest meal is free
Package of similar items, discount when qty is reached
Buy 5 beers and get the 6th one for just 1c
Buy any 4 main meals and get $10 off the bill
Buy any 5 jars of baby food and get the sixth one free
Package of similar items, cheapest is always free when qty is reached
Buy any two pizza’s and get the cheapest one free
Package of unlike items for a fixed price
Buy any two large pizza’s and a 2litre bottle of soda for just $25.99
Choose any lunch dish and a fruit juice/beer/glass wine for just £9.99
2 pieces of chicken with choice of mash/spicy rice/fries and any soda can for just R21.50
Package of unlike items, some preset items, for a fixed price
Any 2 premium burgers and a 2litre Coke Lite for just R65.95
Any 2 large pizza’s, a garlic bread and a small garden salad for $19.95
Buy an item and you get an unlike item free
Buy any premium burger and get a free small fries
Buy any large pizza and get a free soda can of your choice